Al-Qur'an updates : (Subject Index)
We have now come up with a subject index, which makes it easier to refer to The Holy Qur'an in daily life matters. Please read the letter from Brother Farooq for more explanation.
Note:The above Index can be downloaded in PDF format also by clicking here
Before you start reading the translation of the Qur'anic Text,
you should know the following:
After this page all Italic type-writing is the explanation and information relating to the S�rah's (chapter's) period of revelation, major issues, Divine laws and Guidance provided in that S�rah, and a brief historical background for the reader to understand the Divine Message in context.
In the Translation, regular type is used for translating the meanings of Arabic Text, while Italic type is used to clarify the meaning of the verse -- the way it is meant by Allah (swt) in the context of the Divine Guidance according to the authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Please note that it is not a word by word translation (Tarjumah) but a translation of the meanings of Al-Qur'an (Tarjum�ni).
[ ] indicates the completion of one verse of the Arabic Qur'anic Text and the number of this verse is written in this superscript parenthesis.
For better understanding we have spelled out the names of those who are meant in verses where "he," "she," or "they" are mentioned. The word "he" does not mean male gender, it also means female unless specifically used in comparison to a female.
The English text has been grouped into paragraphs. Paragraphs are the combination of those verses which contain the same theme, incident, law, example or guidance about a particular issue. For an easy reference there is a numerical identification of the S�rah (Chapter) and the Ayat (verses).
The subject matter or theme of the Qur'anic verses in each paragraph is summarized in notes outside the paragraph at the margins of the page.
Parenthesis ( ) is used to explain the immediately preceding term, name or word. Arabic names or terms used in the text which are not translated in ( ) are explained in the "Glossary of Words and Qur'anic Terms" on pages 95 through 102.
May Allah Almighty bless you with the Guidance
you are looking for!
The Institute for Islamic Knowledge
P.O. Box 8307
Houston, TX 77288
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