Peace and blessing of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who provided us an opportunity to be rightly guided and follow Allah's commandments as they should be followed. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Rasool. The best of the statements is the Book of Allah (Al-Qur'an) and the best of the guidance is the guidance provided by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Please note that given the depth and sublimity of the Qur'an, it is not possible to list all the themes, subjects and topics. Al-Qur'an has provided a complete Guidance for every aspect of human life, may it be personal, family, social, economic, cultural, national or international. It has provided every thing we, as human beings, need to know about our lives here on Earth and the life Hereafter. I have been trying to compile the Subject Index for over four years and now for the last six months on full time basis. Every time I read the Qur'an I noted that I have missed many topics and updated the list accordingly. I am sure as many times as I shall read the Qur'an again I shall have the same experience. Since I do not know how long I can live, therefore, it is necessary to publish what I have compiled so far and hope to keep on updating in the future editions.
I have tried to make it very easy for the reader through providing a list of the topics in two pages. You may select a topic and go directly to that page for reference. The scheme followed in the Subject Index is first to tabulate the topics relating to 'Human Life,' then the fact that Allah has given the 'Freedom Of Choice' to believe or to disbelieve. Then the fact that the only 'Way Of Life' acceptable to Allah is Al-Islam, therefore, Al-Islam is listed next, followed by the Responsibilities Of The Believers, The Articles Of Faith, The Pillars Of Islam, specific topics relating to Faith And Belief, General Topics relating human life and interaction, Rewards And Punishment for good and bad deeds, Allah's Creations in general, Natural Phenomenon / Scientific Facts and Stories Of The Past Generations not listed under Rasools And Their Nations.
Please note that it is a Subject Index and not a Word Index as is in the Translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, may Allah bless his soul. The listing is not in alphabetical order in the categories of Human Life, for logical reasons, and in The Articles Of Faith and The Pillars Of Islam because these were fixed by the Prophet, peace be upon him, himself. In other categories the listing is in alphabetical order for easy reference and is not in the order of preference or importance; such as, even though Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the last Rasool of Allah but in alphabetical order he is listed earlier and N�h, peace be upon him, who was the first Rasool of Allah is listed after him. Another important thing to know is that the Subject Index is based on the theme of the �y�t, therefore, the specific word or title may not appear in the referenced �yah or S�rah; such as, word 'Muhammad' (peace be upon him) is mentioned in only four �y�t of the Holy Qur'an but you will find the reference about him in hundreds of �y�t in various S�rahs.
Finally, please note that I have not listed the page numbers of this Translation in the detailed Index listing so that the readers may use any Translation they like, because the S�rah numbers and �yah numbers in every Translation are the same. In this Translation, however, the S�rah number and �yah numbers are listed after each paragraph and on each page for easy reference. Furthermore, if anyone would like to copy or print this Index for Da'wah, he / she is hereby allowed to do so.