This Booklet is available in English as well as in Spanish.It is full color and is especially designed as a Da‘wah tool to built thebridge between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is an excellent effort to promotethe understanding about Muslims and Islam and has been declared as one of thebest Da'wah material available. Booklet carries the following topics:
What is Islam? Is Islam a new Religion? What is thedistinctive Feature of Islam? How does Islam relate to Mankind?
Who are the Muslims? What are the Pillars of Faith? WhyMuslims use the word ‘Allah’ instead of ‘God’? How does someone become aMuslim?
What is Prophet hood in Islam? Who is Muhammad? What isSunnah? What does Islam say about Torah and Bible? How Islam views Judaism andChristianity? What does Islam say about Original Sin? What does Islam say aboutJesus?
What is the Qur'an? Does Islam recognize Science andTechnology?
What is Worship in Islam? What are the Five Pillars ofIslam? What is the Ka'bah?
What are Human Rights in Islam? What is Jihad in Islam? Whatis Islamic Dress Code? How does Islam view Family Life? What is the Status ofWomen in Islam? What is Marriage in Islam? Why is More than One Wife permittedin Islam? What does Islam say about Parents and Elderly? What does Islam sayabout Food? What does Islam say about Intoxicants and Gambling? What Islam sayabout Business Interaction?
What is the concept of God in Islam? What is the concept ofLife in Islam? What is the concept of Life after Death in Islam? What is theconcept of Sin in Islam?